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Six Flags of Texas
Six different flags have flown over Texas during eight changes of sovereignty. The accepted sequence of these flags follows:
Spanish - 1519-1685.
French - 1685-1690.
Spanish - 1690-1821.
Mexican - 1821-1836.
Republic of Texas - 1836-1845.
United States - 1845-1861.
Confederate States - 1861-1865.
United States - 1865 to the present.
Evolution of the Lone Star Flag
The Convention at Washington-on-the-Brazos in March 1836 allegedly adopted a flag for the Republic that was designed by Lorenzo de Zavala. The design of de Zavala's flag is unknown, but the convention journals state that a "Rainbow and star of five points above the western horizon; and a star of six points sinking below" was added to de Zavala's flag. There was a suggestion that the letters "T E X A S" be placed around the star in the flag, but there is no evidence that the Convention ever approved a final flag design. Probably because of the hasty dispersion of the Convention and loss of part of the Convention notes, nothing further was done with the Convention's proposals for a national flag. A so-called "Zavala flag" is sometimes flown in Texas today that consists of a blue field with a white five-pointed star in the center and letters "T E X A S" between the star points, but there is no historical evidence to support this flag's design.

The first official flag of the Republic, known as David G. Burnet's flag, was adopted on Dec. 10, 1836, as the national standard, "the conformation of which shall be an azure ground with a large golden star central."

The Lone Star Flag
On Jan. 25, 1839, President Mirabeau B. Lamar approved the adoption by Congress of a new national flag. This flag consisted of "a blue perpendicular stripe of the width of one-third of the whole length of the flag, with a white star of five points in the center thereof, and two horizontal stripes of equal breadth, the upper stripe white, the lower red, of the length of two-thirds of the whole flag." This is the Lone Star Flag, which later became the state flag. Although Senator William H. Wharton proposed the adoption of the Lone Star Flag in 1844, no one knows who actually designed the flag. The legislature in 1879 inadvertently repealed the law establishing the state flag, but the legislature adopted a new law in 1933 that legally re-established the flag's design.

The state flag's colors represent the same virtues as they do in the national flag: Red means bravery; white, purity; and blue, loyalty.

The Texas Flag Code was first adopted in 1933 and completely revised in 1993. The following is a summary of the rules concerning the proper display of the state flag:

Flown out-of-doors, the Texas flag should not be flown earlier than sunrise nor later than sunset unless properly illuminated. It should not be left out in inclement weather unless a weatherproof flag is used. It should be flown with the white stripe uppermost except in case of distress. When the flag is displayed against a wall, the blue field should be at the flag's own right (observer's left). When the flag is displayed vertically, the blue stripe should be uppermost and the white stripe should be to the state flag's right (observer's left). The state flag should be flown on all state holidays and on special occasions of historical significance, and it should fly at every school on regular school days.

If the state and national flags are both carried in a procession, the national flag should be on the marching right (observer's left) and state flag should be on the national flag's left (observer's right). If the state and national flags are displayed from crossed staffs, the state flag should be on the national flag's left (observer's right) and behind the national flag's staff. No flag other than the national flag should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the state flag's right (observer's left). The state flag should be underneath the national flag when the two are flown from the same halyard. When flown from adjacent flagpoles, the national flag and the state flag should be of approximately the same size and on flagpoles of equal height, and the national flag should be on the flag's own right (observer's left). The state flag should neither be flown above the flags of other U.S. states, nations and international organizations on the same flagpole, nor be flown from a higher adjacent flagpole.

The state flag should never be used for any utilitarian or strictly decorative purpose. No advertising should be placed upon the flag or flagstaff, and no picture of the flag should be used in an advertisement. When the state flag is in such condition that it is no longer a suitable emblem for display, it should be destroyed, preferably by burning.

Pledge to the Texas Flag
A pledge to the Texas flag was adopted by the 43rd Legislature. It contained a phrase, "Flag of 1836," which inadvertently referred to the David G. Burnet flag instead of the Lone Star Flag adopted in 1839. In 1965, the 59th Legislature changed the pledge to its current form:

"Honor the Texas flag;
I pledge allegiance to thee,
Texas, one and indivisible."

A person reciting the pledge to the state flag should face the flag, place the right hand over the heart and remove any easily removable hat. The pledge to the Texas flag may be recited at all public and private meetings at which the pledge of allegiance to the national flag is recited and at state historical events and celebrations. The pledge to the Texas flag should be recited after the pledge of allegiance to the United States flag if both are recited.

State Song
The state song of Texas is "Texas, Our Texas." The music was written by the late William J. Marsh (who died Feb. 1, 1971, in Fort Worth at age 90), and the words by Marsh and Gladys Yoakum Wright, also of Fort Worth. It was the winner of a state song contest sponsored by the legislature and was adopted in 1929. The wording has been changed once: Shortly after Alaska became a state in Jan. 1959, the word "Largest" in the third line was changed by Mr. Marsh to "Boldest." The text follows:


Texas, Our Texas

Texas, our Texas! all hail the mighty State!
Texas, our Texas! So wonderful, so great!
Boldest and grandest, Withstanding ev'ry test;
O Empire wide and glorious, You stand supremely blest.

God bless you, Texas!
And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth,
Thro'out the ages long.

Texas, O Texas! Your freeborn Single Star,
Sends out its radiance To nations near and far.
Emblem of freedom! It sets our hearts aglow,
With thoughts of San Jacinto And glorious Alamo.

Texas, dear Texas! From tyrant grip now free,
Shines forth in splendor Your Star of Destiny!
Mother of Heroes! We come your children true,
Proclaiming our allegiance, Our Faith, Our Love for you.

State Seal
The design of the obverse (front) of the Great Seal of the State of Texas consists of "a star of five points, encircled by olive and live oak branches, and the words, 'The State of Texas'." (State Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 19.) This design is a slight modification of the Great Seal of the Republic of Texas, adopted by the Congress of the Republic, Dec. 10, 1836, and readopted with modifications in 1839. An official design for the reverse (back) of the seal was adopted by the 57th Legislature in 1961, but there were discrepancies between the written description and the artistic rendering that was adopted at the same time. To resolve the problems, the 72nd Legislature in 1991 adopted an official design " . . . the design for the reverse side of the Great Seal of Texas shall consist of a shield, the lower half of which is divided into two parts; on the shield's lower left is a depiction of the cannon of the Battle of Gonzales; on the shield's lower right is a depiction of Vince's Bridge; on the upper half of the shield is a depiction of the Alamo; the shield is circled by live oak and olive branches, and the unfurled flags of the Kingdom of France, the Kingdom of Spain, the United Mexican States, the Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of America, and the United States of America; above the shield is emblazoned the motto, "REMEMBER THE ALAMO", and beneath the shield are the words, "TEXAS ONE AND INDIVISIBLE"; over the entire shield, centered between the flags, is a white five-pointed star . . ." Since the description of the design of the reverse of the seal was contained in a concurrent resolution rather than a bill, the design is not a matter of law but can be considered the intent of the Legislature. (CR 159, 72nd Legislature, May 1991).

State Citizenship Designation
The people of Texas usually call themselves Texans. However, Texian was generally used in the early period of the state's history.

State Motto
The state motto of Texas is "Friendship." The word, Texas, or Tejas, was the Spanish pronunciation of a Caddo Indian word meaning "friends" or "allies." (Acts of 1930, fourth called session of the 41st Legislature, p. 105.)

Other Symbols

State Tree - The pecan is the state tree of Texas. The sentiment that led to its official adoption probably grew out of the request of Gov. James Stephen Hogg that a pecan tree be planted at his grave. (Acts of 1919, 36th Legislature, regular session, p. 155; also Acts of 1927, 40th Legislature, p. 234.)

State Flower - The state flower of Texas is the bluebonnet, also called buffalo clover, wolf flower and el conejo (the rabbit). The bluebonnet was adopted as the state flower, on request of the Society of Colonial Dames in Texas, by the 27th Legislature, 1901. (See acts of regular session, p. 232.) The original resolution designated Lupinus subcarnosus as the state flower, but a resolution (HCR 44) signed March 8, 1971, by Gov. Preston Smith provided legal status as the state flower of Texas for "Lupinus Texensis and any other variety of bluebonnet."

Bluebonnet, the official State Flower,blooms in most parts of Texas in April.

State Bird - The mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) is the state bird of Texas, adopted by the Legislature at the request of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. (Acts of 1927, 40th Legislature, regular session, p. 486.)

A young mockingbird. Dallas Morning News file photo.

State Air Force - The Confederate Air Force, based in Midland at the Midland International Airport, was proclaimed the official air force of Texas by the 71st Legislature in 1989.

The Pleurocoelus was a 50-foot-long, plant-eating, lizard-hipped dinosaur. Its tracks can be viewed at Dinosaur Valley State Park near Glen Rose in North Central Texas. Sketch courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; artist, G. Aaron Morris.


State Dinosaur - The Brachiosaur Sauropod, Pleurocoelus, was designated the official state dinosaur by the 75th Legislature in 1997.

State Dish - Chili was proclaimed the Texas state dish by the 65th Texas Legislature in 1977.

Chili, the state dish. Dallas Morning News file photo.

State Fiber and Fabric - Cotton was designated the official state fiber and fabric by the 75th Legislature in 1997.

Cotton has been grown in Texas since the 1740s, brought by Spanish missionaries. Texas Almanac staff photo.

State Fish - The Guadalupe bass, a member of the genus Micropterus within the sunfish family, was named the official state fish of Texas by the 71st Legislature in 1989. It is one of a group of fish collectively known as black bass.

State Folk Dance - The square dance was designated the official state folk dance by the 72nd Legislature in 1991.

The square dance is the official folk dance of Texas.
Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation

State Fruit - The Texas red grapefruit was designated the official state fruit by the 73rd Legislature in 1993.

Texas red grapefruit is grown in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Photo courtesy
Texas Dept. of Transportation.

State Gem - Texas blue topaz, the official Texas gem, is found in the Llano uplift area, especially west to northwest of Mason. It was designated by the 61st Legislature in 1969.

This Texas blue topaz is cut in the Lone Star Cut, which is the official state gemstone cut. Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation

State Grass - Sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), a native grass found on many different soils, was designated by the 62nd Legislature as the state grass of Texas in 1971.

Sideoats grama, the state grass.
Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation.

State Insect - The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) was designated the state insect by the 74th Legislature in 1995.

Monarch butterfly on a blossom of Mexican bush sage.
Texas Almanac staff photo.

State Mammals - The armadillo was designated the state small mammal; the longhorn was designated the state large mammal; and the Mexican free-tailed bat was designated the state flying mammal by the 74th Legislature in 1995.

The state small mammal, the armadillo, is commonly found as far north and east as Oklahoma and Mississippi. Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation.


Amigo Yates, a longhorn on the Yates Ranch south of Abilene, currently has the largest horn spread in the world -- 103 inches. Dallas Morning News file photo.


This once-injured Mexican free-tailed bat is in the hand of a bat rehabilitator. You should never pick up a bat you find on the ground, since it is probably sick. Dallas Morning News file photo.



State Musical Instrument - The guitar was named the official musical instrument of Texas by the 75th Legislature in 1997.

The guitar plays a part in most of the different types of music popular in Texas. Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation.


State Native Pepper - The chiltepin was named the official state native pepper of Texas by the 75th Legislature in 1997.


State Pepper - The jalape�o pepper was designated the official state pepper by the 74th Legislature in 1995.

Jalapeno, the official State Pepper.

State Plant - The prickly pear cactus was designated the official state plant by the 74th Legislature in 1995.

The prickly pear's delicate blossoms come in many colors.
Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation.

State Reptile - The Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) was named the state reptile of Texas by the 73rd Legislature in 1993.

The horned lizard, also called the horny toad, was once found all over the state. Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation.

State Shell - The lightning whelk (Busycon perversum pulleyi) was named the official state shell by the 70th Legislature in 1987. One of the few shells that open on the left side, the lightning whelk is named for its colored stripes. It is found only on the Gulf Coast.

State Ship - The battleship Texas was designated the official state ship by the 74th Legislature in 1995.

The Battleship Texas can be visited at the San Jacinto State Historical Park near Houston. Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation.

State Shrub - The crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) was designated the official state shrub by the 75th Legislature in 1997.

Crape Myrtle, the official State Shrub.
Dallas Morning News file photo.

State Sport - Rodeo was named the official sport of Texas by the 75th Legislature in 1997.

Jason Milam of Cleburne hangs on in the saddle bronc riding competition during the Walt Garrison All-Star MS Rodeo in 1966.
Dallas Morning News file photo.

State Stone - Petrified palmwood, found in Texas principally in counties near the Texas Gulf Coast, was designated the official state stone by the 61st Legislature in March 1969.

Petrified palmwood. Photo courtesy Texas Dept. of Transportation.

State Vegetable - The Texas sweet onion was designated the official state vegetable by the 75th Legislature in 1997.


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6 flags of Texas